📋 The Wedge Document

Intelligent Design Theory often presents itself as a legitimate attempt by real scientists to plug holes in Darwin’s theory of evolution and so they claim that it should be taught alongside evolution in public schools. That it is not and was never intended to be is evident in a famous document that was leaked from a major creationist organization in 1998 when ID theory was just coming into prominence in public debate. This document outlines a “wedge strategy” to introduce a scientific looking version of creationism into schools as a wedge to start crumbling the structure of the “scientific materialist” world view which the author allege to be the root of all modern social and political and spiritual problems. It gives a rare glimpse behind the scenes at an organized effort at science denial.

The Wedge Document

(Note – This is the text of the Discovery Institute’s “Wedge Document,” prepared in 1998. It lays out “the Wedge strategy” by which the newly-formed Center for Renewal of Science and Culture would promote “intelligent design” creationism.) INTRODUCTION The proposition that human beings are created in the image of God is one of the bedrock principles on which Western civilization was built.

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