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I find it so interesting to read about how groundbreaking things like the microscope were during the scientific revolution. Things like a microscope seem so commonplace to us now, but they were truly revolutionary for their time and allowed for the viewing of things like bacteria that completely the scientific thinking. It’s almost scary to wonder what science would look like today without inventions like these that have helped progress science to what it is now.


I agree, it is funny to see things that are no big deal to us but back then it was a huge change in science. I wonder how much more advanced we will get and then look back and our perception will be different.


I thought it was really interesting how Vermeer used a camera obscura to achieve his new way of seeing. The camera obscura is a device that concentrates color to chromatic intensity by narrowing the range of brightness.


To think that people were having the thoughts “well what if this isn’t the way that the mind sees things” all the way back then is remarkable. They didn’t even need new technology to see things differently, and they believed the way we saw pictures through the camera obscura was the way their actually supposed to be. Kind of raises the question to me any way, “what if people who are color blind actually see the true colors of things?”


optics were one of greatest break throughs I human history, blindness (not fully) was one of the most common issues for people due to the fact there was no knowledge on eyes and people didn’t know to to take care of them. optics in turn created a new way to see, and the break through of miscopies made another discovery