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Sylvie Donnell

Growing up I always had a slight fascination with the optical illusions. Many of which I saw during this slideshow were prevalent to my early childhood. I think it is really interesting to see just how many there actually are.


I use to have this app that gave me the power to create different illusions. it was like bringing my imagination to reality. it included many face illusions that would trip me out. it’s cool that our brains identify patterns and use them to anticipate what happens next


optical illusions are really cool, it is interesting how we all see things differently and how our brains trick us into seeing something different. These pictures were really cool to look at.


optical illusions are some of the cool things the brain can process and turn into something that’s a fun gag now, but back when they were being discovered it must have been revelatory figuring these things out.


I’ve always found optical illusions to be very interesting because of the way they trick your eye. The illusion where it looks like a lamp or two people is one that I’ve seen before and it tricks me every single time.


These are all super interesting illusions, it’s amazing how our eyes can perceive specific ways solely based off of lines and movement.


These illusions were cool to look at but some of them definitely make my head hurt. It’s a crazy concept how our brains can trick us, and depending on the angle you look at some of them the shape or color changes.