📊 Poll: Do you believe in magic?

Here are a few questions on magical thinking. You can see the results if you respond.

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This poll was really fun for me to to take and think about. Some of them I would not think twice about but others I had a lot to consider. For example, the graveyard question. I do not see anything scary in a cemetery but sleeping there for safety reasons is what I was considering. It shows that all of your thoughts towards magical things happen in your head.


This poll was interesting to take. One question I found funny personally, was the one about knocking on wood to avoid something happening, which I answered absolutely to. Although I know this does nothing, its always been a reaction of mine when I say something that could potentially jinx myself.

Sylvie Donnell

I think taking this poll was a good task to include in learning about this topic. I also found that it was interesting to see what the general consensus is with how people feel about the questions. I was amazed to see that not too many people knock on wood for good luck.


Most of these I do or have done before. Knocking on wood is something I definitely do a lot, even though I don’t really think I believe it works, but it has always been an instinct for me. As for ouija boards, I mostly just think they’re fun to use with friends but I have definitely had some weird experiences with them.