🔬 Gravity Simulator

See for yourself how planetary systems evolve with this amazing simulator.

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Sylvie Donnell

I really enjoyed messing around with this, I think that having tools such as this helped with my grasp on gravity and how our solar-system works with gravity.


I thought it was interesting to see how quickly the small planets travelled towards the larger ones. I did not before doing that that smaller planets move greater distances than larger ones. It was also cool to see which interactions would cause the planets to break into multiple smaller planets and which would simply absorb a smaller planet into a larger one.


I didn’t really understand how the gravity for different planets works. this simulator helped me comprehend the situation a little better. I learned about the gravitational pull back in middle school science class so it helped me jog my memory a bit


I also have a really hard time comprehending on how gravity and our universe works. This simulator showed it well and was interesting to play around with.


I think that this is a fun simulation that can be useful learning about gravity. I thought it was interesting how the smaller planets would get absorbed by the larger ones due to gravitational pull.


jesus i created a blackhole that oof not great sorry guys i ended the universe


made orbit!


This was a very cool simulator, creating an orbit from different sized objects helped me visualize how our planets orbit each other. The distance and speed can affect these drastically.


this was fun to mess around with. These types of tools help you get a understanding of what the natural feeling of gravity has on objects.


After playing with this for a little bit. I destroyed the universe I created and I made a whole new one. I tried to get 5 bodies to revolve around one larger body like our sun. I enjoyed playing with this and seeing all the little messages pop up.


This simulation showed how velocity is so closely linked to gravity and it is such a vital part of it. I found it kind of difficult to get get the planets to get a gravitational pull, it’s interesting how perfect everything has to be in order to pull a gravitational pull.


I found it so interesting that gravity caused different effects on different sized planets. It is crazy to think the way in which gravity makes certain planets move, the smaller planets move faster while the bigger the planets are the slower they move. It was cool to see how the smaller planets moved so fast and were attracted to the big planets and collided into the big planets. As for creating an orbit, it took me a little bit but i figured out how the distance and size of the different planets made an impact on how the panets interacted with each other and gave me a better perspective on how our planets orbit together.


The last time I had actually learned about gravity and the planets was early on in high school and this helped a lot when grasping the material. Going to space was always an interest of mine but is highly unlikely, although being involved in the education of planets and orbits is still on my list.


I liked this but it didn’t really make much sense. My planets kept eating each other and I still do not understand gravity at all.


After playing with the game for a few minutes, it started to make more sense to me how our solar system works with gravity. I am more of a visual person so I enjoyed this rather than reading about how it works.


I had a fun time using this and found the relationship between smaller and larger planets quite interesting and how gravity plays a large role.